Chapter Programs
Since its founding in 1913, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. has clearly distinguished itself as a public service organization that boldly confronts the challenges of African Americans and, hence, all Americans. Over the years, a wide range of programs addressing education, health, international development, and strengthening of the African American family has evolved. The Mobile Alumnae Chapter of, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. provides an extensive array of public service initiatives through its Five-Point Programmatic Thrust.
Those five key areas are:
Economic DevelopmentNational economic trends, such as unstable employment, the threat to Social Security as we know it, and the widening gap between wealth and poverty are the basis for the development of Financial Fortitude, the current Economic Development program initiative of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Financial Fortitude is a process that will help program participants to set and define goals, develop a plan to achieve them, and to put the plan into action. The process serves as a blueprint to address all aspects of personal finances. In addition, the committee helps to educate DFree participants about good money management skills. The Economic Development Committee develops and implements programs and activities designed to promote economic awareness in our service area. Contact: dstmaceconomicdevelopment@gmail.com
Educational DevelopmentThe goal of the Educational Development Committee is to partner with other committees within the Mobile Alumnae Chapter, parents, and the community to develop and implement programs and activities that will enhance the academic and career development of our youth. In addition, the committee helps to educate Delta GEMS and Delta Academy participants about good money management skills. See additional information below regarding each educational program. Contact: Dstmactech2024@gmail.com Click here to access the Delta GEMS application. Click here to access the Delta Academy application.
International Awareness and InvolvementIn 1955, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. began making plans and laying the groundwork to establish a maternity hospital in the East African country of Kenya. The plans for a facility came to fruition in the early 1960s when Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. made a major donation to help finance the construction of the Thika Maternity Hospital in Thika, Kenya, which is now named Mary Help of the Sick Mission Hospital. The first hospital to open after Kenya gained its independence, Mary Help of the Sick Mission Hospital continues to be operated by the missionary sisters of the Holy Rosary. The International Awareness and Involvement Committee develops and implements programs that will promote cultural awareness and support national initiatives identified by Grand Chapter. The Mobile Alumnae Chapter has assisted the Mary Help of the Sick Mission Hospital in Kenya by donating funds for equipment, property maintenance, and for the training of practical nurses and midwives. In addition, the committee has sponsored clothing, shoe, and toiletry drives to support children and families in other countries that are living in poverty. For information on the resources that we are highlighting for International Day of the Girl Child, please click the links in the infographic below. Contact: Dstmactech2024@gmail.com
Physical and Mental HealthHealthy Lifestyle: Total Woman: Mind, Body, and Spirit The Mobile Alumnae Chapter has hosted multiple events highlighting mental and physical health awareness in the African American Community. These events have not only emphasized disparities affecting African American Women but men as well. Some of these activities included collaborating with a local community health center to raise awareness as it relates to colorectal cancer and highlighting the continued changes in treatment and need for education as it relates to breast cancer awareness in the community. Mental Health Forums were created to bring awareness to those suffering in silence with anxiety, depression, unresolved trauma and other mental challenges. Our signature event is the Delta Red Walk and Health Fair. The purpose of this fundraising event is to heighten awareness, reduce stigma, and raise funds for care services and prevention education in twelve-counties of Southwest Alabama. This event is a collaboration with Aids Alabama South and is noted as one of the most visible and recognizable fundraising events in the Southwest region of Alabama. Contact: Dstmactech2024@gmail.com
Political Awareness and InvolvementIn March of 1913, nearly six weeks after its founding, several Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Founders marched in the historic Suffragist March under the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. banner, the Sorority’s first public act. Today, low voter turnout statistics highlight the need to continue to identify ways to include opportunities for all citizens to exercise their voting power. Each of Delta’s programmatic initiatives has an advocacy component that is implemented under the auspices of social action when it is appropriate or necessary to do so. Under the auspices of the National Social Action Commission, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. continues to institute activities that foster: Sponsoring Voter Registration and voter education programs Combating Voter Suppression The full restoration of voting rights for individuals who have paid their debt to society (ex-offenders) Affordable Health Care and access to quality health care Financial Literacy and Economic Empowerment Support for HBCU’s Political Awareness and Involvement Gender Equality Racial Profiling The Political Awareness and Involvement Committee of The Mobile Alumnae Chapter successfully register and educate voters as well as increased political awareness in Mobile County. The committee holds forums that empower the citizens on issues that impact the community and align programs with those of Social Action and National Initiatives to implement quality programs. The Mobile Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is committed to advocating for social justice and equality. Contact: Dstmactech2024@gmail.com
Delta GEMS

The Delta G.E.M.S. program addresses the needs of young African American women in grades 9 through 12 with a framework for the participants to discover and understand their individual brilliance by embracing the aims of the G.E.M.S. theme, Growing and Empowering Myself Successfully.
The Delta G.E.M.S. program includes monthly workshops and outreach activities to engage young women in experiences for personal development in the areas of leadership, self-awareness, community service and college & career preparation.
The Delta G.E.M.S. Youth Initiative is designed for young women who:​
are age 14 – 18 and in Grades 9 through 12;
have potential, but need guidance, support and skills to achieve success;
are interested in developing leadership skills;
are actively pursuing college and/or career options; and
are in need of encouragement and support in pursuit of higher learning.
The GOALS for Delta G.E.M.S. are as follows:
To instill the need to excel academically;
To provide tools that enable girls to sharpen and enhance their skills to achieve high levels of academic success;
To assist girls in proper goal setting and planning for their futures, high school and beyond; and
To create compassionate, caring, and community minded young women and actively involve them in service advocacy and community service opportunities.
Click here to access the Delta GEMS application.​
Delta Academy

The Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy is a unique program designed for young ladies between the ages of 11-14 years. The goals of the Delta Academy are to enhance or spark interest in math, science, technology, and/or careers where minority women are scarcely represented. The Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy’s aim is to shape well-rounded young women by focusing on African-American history, literacy, character development, healthy choices, and service learning. Many young ladies have tremendous potential; however, they are not afforded the opportunity to broaden themselves, express their curiosity, and experience new and different things early on.
In addition to building character, self-esteem, and giving back to the community through service learning, field trips are planned to museums, plays, fancy dinners, and other sites designed to enhance the knowledge of the participants in the identified focus areas. These young ladies experience endless possibilities.
Delta Academy is designed for the following:
Young ladies, 11 to 14 years of age, who have potential for success, but limited opportunities;
Young ladies who are interested in developing themselves and sharpening various skills (i.e. literacy, math and science);
Young ladies identified by schools, churches, youth groups or concerned individuals, as candidates;
Young ladies interested in service, education, and technology;
Young ladies who enjoy learning new things; and
Young ladies who express interest in math, science, technology or other non-traditional careers.
Click here to access the Delta Academy application.