Mobile Alumnae Chapter
2022-2024 Officers:

President Roxanne Hannon Odom, Ph.D.
Roxanne Hannon-Odom, Ed.D.
Sheila V. Spencer
First Vice President
Bessie H.
Second Vice President
Michelle G.
Andrea Love Robinson
Financial Secretary
Gloria Davis
Asst. Financial Secretary
Gwendolyn Hall
Asst. Treasurer
Paula A. Spencer
Recording Secretary
Clarencia Bonner​
Corresponding Secretary
Katryna Lowery Kinn
Ernestine Jackson
Erica Massey
Journalist & Chair, Communications, IT, and Public Relations
Andrea Wiley
Portia Payne
Emergency Response Coordinator
Veronica Davis
Chair, Nominating Committee
Stephanie L. Streeter
Lisa G. Sylvester
Internal Audit Committee Chair
Rhonda Williams
Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms
Anna Watson
Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms
Mobile Alumnae Past Presidents
2022-PRESENT Dr. Roxanne D. Hannon-Odom
2020-2022 Voncile S. Cunningham
2016-2020 Beverly E. Summerlin
2012-2018 Dr. Hannah E. Hart
2010-2012 Linda J. Dennison
2008-2010 Katryna Lowery Kinn
2006-2008 Diana G. McNeil
2004-2006 Tommie B. Conaway
2002-2004 Bonita C. Hope
1998-2002 Fannie B. Wright*
1996-1998 Louise Thrower
1994-1996 Ernestine Jackson
1990-1994 Vivian Battiste*
1986-1990 Dr. Grace Y. Wyatt
1984-1986 Violet G. Lowery
1982-1984 Claire D. Wormley*
1978-1982 Dr. Yvonne Kennedy**
1976-1978 Dr. Beatrice Morse
1974-1976 Sallie K. Johnson*
1970-1974 Dr. Yvonne Kennedy**
1968-1970 Luberta W. Portis*
1966-1968 Eugenia B. Rankin
1964-1966 Florence E. Doss*
1962-1964 Effie Moton Goode*
1960-1962 Dorothy C. Rushing*
1956-1960 Mattie H. Chatman*
1952-1956 Olivet F. Richardson*
1948-1952 Alberta L. Brasier*
1946-1948 Irene McKinnis*
1944-1946 Harveyette M. Taylor*
1942-1944 M. Evelyn Ware*
*Past Presidents who are now in the Omega Omega Chapter
**The Late Dr. Yvonne Kennedy has the distinction of holding the office of President of the Mobile Alumnae Chapter from 1970-1974 and 1978-1982. She also served as a Past Southern Regional Director, First National Vice-President, and was unanimously elected as the 19th National President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

National & Regional Leadership Team
Katryna Lowery-Kinn - Member:
National Program Planning and Development: Education Subcommittee
Mary Carmen Williams - Member:
National Risk Management Committee
Sherrell Edmond - Member
Regional Arts and Letters
Veronica Davis- Member
Regional Operation RISE Committee
Cherish Hilton-Franklin- Member
Regional Project ACE
Stephanie Streeter- Member
Regional Protocol and Traditions