Mobile Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated was chartered as Beta Eta Sigma on January 31, 1942. On this day, seven Deltas and three initiates constituted the Chartered Body. During the 24th National Convention held in Detroit Michigan in December 1956, a revision in the nomenclature for graduate chapters was put into effect as delegates voted that hereafter a graduate chapter shall be designated as an Alumnae Chapter and identified according to the community in which it was located. Accordingly, Beta Eta Sigma Chapter became Mobile Alumnae Chapter.

The Charter Members of the Mobile Alumnae Chapter are: Thelma Austin Rice, Alberta Brazier, Harveyette McAllister Taylor, Sarah Branch Taylor, M. Evelyn Ware Matthews, Carrie Little Wright, and Dorothy Coleman Rushing.
The Initiates: Frances Wilson Abrams, Dr. Georgia Oden Stevens and Ruth Smith Rhone Williams. All Charter Members are now in the Omega Omega Chapter.

The sorority’s major programs are based upon our Five-Point Programmatic Thrust:
Economic Development
Educational Development
International Awareness and Involvement
Physical and Mental Health
Political Awareness and Involvement​